Fiber Optic Connectivity Is

The Most Significant Utility Upgrade Since Electrification

History Repeating Itself

Today, no one would think of living without electricity. In the same way, broadband access is now an essential part of our everyday life.

Broadband access is key for us to fully participate in our changing economy, to work and learn remotely, to utilize the constantly evolving tele-health technology, to ensure that young families will want to move to our community, and to maintain our home values.

Fiber optic is the infrastructure we need to take advantage of broadband’s full possibilities today and tomorrow.   

A Future-proof Technology

Fiber optic uses light technology to deliver the fastest, most reliable means of data transmission. Fiber optic is not impacted by corrosion or distance like cable and phone lines are, so the quality or the speed of your internet connection doesn’t depend on how far you live, or on how many neighbors share the same connections.

The limits of fiber optic’s capabilities still have not been reached. For this reason, fiber optic will be the internet technology of choice for generations to come for online activities, video streaming and telephone service.

I already have internet. Why Do I Need Fiber Optic?

The backbone of today’s internet is fiber optic. Unfortunately, between that internet backbone and the devices we use at home stands a failing network of copper wires like ADSL and cable lines.

Only a fiber optic connection to your home can deliver the full potential the internet has to offer.

This is why, all over Maine, communities large and small are now working to build fiber optic networks, because we need it today and we also have to be ready for tomorrow! Learn More

Will I Have To Subscribe

No, you will not have to subscribe to the service. But your support will help make sure the service is available to neighbors who want to have access to fiber optic.

It’s your choice

Whether you’re looking for a lower-cost, more reliable phone line, to get a better, faster internet service, to cut your cable TV bill, or just stay with the services you currently use, that is your decision.